

hide your email address from spam harvesters

From the site:

This is a very simple Server Side Includes method designed to prevent spammers from easily harvesting your valuable email addresses. It has been developed on Apache 1.3 but may work on other web servers. Once implemented, your email address is behind a click-through legal agreement. It is most effective with previously unpublished addresses. Already published addresses are being distributed via CD-ROM, but this may slow the spread of access to your valuable email address.

The Apache configuration is extremely simple, you only need the Server Side Includes module enabled (server-wide) and "Options IncludesNOEXEC" enabled for the specific directory. This may already be done for your web hosting space, search the web for more information on "Server Side Includes".

To link to this mechanism, simply create a URL in place of where you would put an email address. email My Name. Notice that the name is URL encoded.

This script / method / example is provided "as-is" with no guarantee or warranty of any kind. By using, you assume all liability for the performance or failure of this example.


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